At IKR Publishers, we uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and scholarly excellence. Our reviewers play a crucial role in maintaining the quality of published research by providing constructive, fair, and timely evaluations of submitted manuscripts. These guidelines outline the expectations and responsibilities of reviewers to ensure a rigorous and ethical peer review process.
1. Role of Reviewers
Reviewers are responsible for:
- Critically assessing the quality, originality, and significance of submitted manuscripts.
- Providing unbiased, constructive, and clear feedback to authors.
- Identifying ethical concerns such as plagiarism, data fabrication, or conflicts of interest.
- Ensuring confidentiality of the manuscript and the review process.
2. Review Process
- Reviewers will receive an invitation via email to evaluate a manuscript. They must confirm acceptance or decline within the given timeframe.
- Upon acceptance, reviewers should thoroughly evaluate the manuscript and submit their review within the stipulated deadline.
- Reviews should be objective, focusing on academic rigor rather than personal opinions.
- If a reviewer believes they lack the necessary expertise, they should notify the editor promptly.
- If unable to meet the deadline, reviewers should inform the editorial team as soon as possible.
3. Evaluation Criteria
Reviewers should assess the manuscript based on:
- Originality – Does the manuscript present novel insights or significant contributions to the field?
- Relevance – Is the research aligned with the journal’s scope and objectives?
- Methodology – Are the methods appropriate, well-explained, and valid?
- Clarity and Structure – Is the manuscript well-organized, coherent, and properly referenced?
- Scientific Rigor – Are the results valid, and are conclusions supported by the data?
4. Ethical Considerations
Reviewers must adhere to ethical guidelines, including:
- Confidentiality – Reviewers must not share or discuss the manuscript with others.
- Objectivity – Personal criticism of authors is not acceptable.
- Conflict of Interest – If a conflict of interest exists (e.g., personal, academic, financial ties to the authors), reviewers should disclose it and decline the review.
- Plagiarism Detection – If a reviewer suspects plagiarism or data fabrication, they should inform the editor immediately.
5. Recommendation Options
Upon completing the review, reviewers should provide one of the following recommendations:
- Accept as is – The manuscript meets all academic and ethical standards.
- Minor Revisions Required – The manuscript needs slight modifications before publication.
- Major Revisions Required – The manuscript requires significant improvement before reconsideration.
- Reject – The manuscript does not meet the journal’s standards for publication.
6. Providing Constructive Feedback
Reviewers should:
- Offer specific suggestions for improvement rather than vague criticisms.
- Highlight strengths of the manuscript in addition to areas of concern.
- Use polite and professional language in their feedback.
- Support their comments with relevant references when necessary.
7. Acknowledgment of Reviewers’ Contributions
IKR Publishers values the time and expertise of reviewers. Outstanding reviewers may be recognized through acknowledgments, certificates, or invitations to join the editorial board.
By following these guidelines, reviewers contribute to the integrity and advancement of scholarly research while fostering a collaborative and constructive peer-review process.